This racing guide is intended to provide racers and race officials a standard set of technical regulations which will be adhered to. The term race official refers to event staff and supporting crew.
The Crux Cup racing series is the gold standard sim-like spaceship racing experience you can have in Star Citizen that includes racing teams of two and event supporting roles.
The event is a unique collaboration of multiple organizations and content creators working together to provide professional livestreams and commentary on the ANZIA Racing Twitch channel and invites organizations to build racing teams of their own and fly their banners to see which community team is the fastest in the empire.
The ProGP race is for professional racers. It is limited to dedicated racing ship chassis only and has 3 highly competitive racing class speed tiers to choose from. Expect to see ships such as the Mirai Razor and Origin M50 battling it out in the hands of the most skilled pilots in the game.
The ProGP and OpenGP races are mutually exclusive with each other, so you can only sign up one or the other of the two main races, however anyone can sign up to the LuxuryGP race.
The ProGP race track will be the Ahumahi Ring - Reverse Circuit, a community race track located at Orison, Crusader in the Stanton System.
Razor, 0h 3m 44s 805ms by Dude3D
Razor, 0h 3m 47s 670ms by ninjedy
Razor LX, 0h 3m 48s 710ms by Playingfox
Ahumahi Ring Leaderboard
You must sign up and participate as a team of two racers. Both of you must race at the same time.
This is to help your team survive a crash to desktop or crash in the game. Your team member's best result will be your team's overall result on the final standings.
The ProGP has a detailed set of Endurance Race Rules that must be followed by all participants.
Incidents are observed and recorded by Race Officials and may give you Penalties.
It is your responsibility as a racer to learn the rules, types of incidents and understand how to serve penalties if they come up in the competition.
To help you plan, these are the sequence of events for the ProGP.
ACRUX is the fastest speed tier in the ProGP.
The base Razor, Razor EX & LX variants are all allowed in ACRUX.
AX2 is the middle speed tier in the ProGP.
The 300i, 315p, 325a & 350r models are all allowed in AX2.
AX3 is the slowest speed tier in the ProGP.
Available for purchase at Lorville, New Deal right now for 4 million aUEC!
The Mustang Omega chassis is also allowed in AX3.
The OpenGP race is for amateur racers. It has 3 racing classes to choose from each with different racing styles. The Open racing class allows all other ships that are not in a dedicated racing class, so you can race your favourite ship. The Aurora racing class races RSI Auroras only, competitive in its own right where everyone is racing at the same speed. The Heavy racing class is for industrial, logistic and capital ship pilots to prove who is the fastest large ship racer.
The ProGP and OpenGP races are mutually exclusive with each other, so you can only sign up one or the other of the two main races, however anyone can sign up to the LuxuryGP race.
The OpenGP race track will be the Ahumahi Ring - Reverse Circuit, a community race track located at Orison, Crusader in the Stanton System.
Ahumahi Ring Leaderboard
You must sign up and participate as a team of two racers. Both of you must race at the same time.
This is to help your team survive a crash to desktop or crash in the game. Your team member's best result will be your team's overall result on the final standings.
The OpenGP has a detailed set of Endurance Race Rules that must be followed by all participants.
Incidents are observed and recorded by Race Officials and may give you Penalties.
It is your responsibility as a racer to learn the rules, types of incidents and understand how to serve penalties if they come up in the competition.
To help you plan, these are the sequence of events for the OpenGP.
OPEN is the fastest speed tier in the OpenGP.
This is not a ship whitelist, it is a selection of the fastest ships expected to perform well in the OpenGP and our recommendations to you. You are more than welcome to ignore these recommendations particularly if you just want to race your favourite ship for fun!
Race at the same speed with the Aurora class.
All RSI Aurora LX, ES, CL, MR, LN variants are allowed.
HEAVY is the slowest speed tier in the OpenGP, but racing slow can be fun and rewarding!
The LuxuryGP is a unique collaboration between ANZIA Racing and the Yacht Club Bar Citizen community that challenges all luxury pilots to fun race of the Origin 890J.
Anyone can sign up to the LuxuryGP race.
The LuxuryGP race track will be the Winner's Circle, a community race track located in Arena Commander in the Free Flight mode.
You must sign up either yourself or a friend to pilot an 890J in your place.
All pilots must have or plan to have access to an 890J in Arena Commander to qualify for sign up. An 890J can be rented with REC if you need for the race day.
The LuxuryGP has a detailed set of Endurance Race Rules that must be followed by all participants.
Incidents are observed and recorded by Race Officials and may give you Penalties.
It is your responsibility as a racer to learn the rules, types of incidents and understand how to serve penalties if they come up in the competition.
To help you plan, these are the sequence of events for the LuxuryGP.
The most elegant and graceful racing in the verse.
All racers are expected to have read and understand the technical regulations of the event. Questions regarding the regulations should be presented to the race officials before the event.
The race type for Crux Cup 2955 ProGP, OpenGP and LuxuryGP will be non-combat endurance races in armistice zones.
The ProGP and OpenGP are Persistent Universe endurance races that will make use of a nearby spaceport to repair and refuel your ship mid-race.
In Arena Commander, if there is any need to repair or refuel, racers simply respawn in the simulation.
Endurance races are multi-class where all classes race together on the track at the same time. Classes will be positioned on the starting grid from fastest at the front to slowest at the back.
Arrive 5 - 15 minutes before the Discord event start time to be on time for your race. The following are the expected durations of each of the events.
Races in the persistent universe will consist of the following party composition.
Race teams are required to give racers a better chance at surviving through a game crash or in-game crash.
2 racers make a team with the exception of the LuxuryGP where participants are racing solo. All team members must be present on the track for the race in a racing ship of their own and must race in the same racing class.
All racers must have decided on a racing team name.
In order to promote fairness for all players in the prized tournament, ships only available on the pledge store are banned until they are available for purchase in-game with aUEC or REC.
Promotion limited ships have the same performance characteristics as their freely available counterparts are an exception to this rule. Specifically, limited ships that are allowed for use include the Pirate Gladius, Mustang Omega, Sabre Raven, Pirate Caterpillar, and F7A Hornet etc.
All ships can be modified without restriction.
Ships must start in their fully repaired condition with no broken off parts.
Simply being part of the ANZIA Racing Discord is enough to participate, the only requirement is to be able to listen to race officer instructions during the race and respond to mentions in Discord chat before and after the race.
Race officers will ensure all participating racers are on their in-game friend list before the event begins. 30 minutes before the event begins the race director or timer will add you to their party and launch everyone participating into a new server.
The race voice channel will enforce Push-To-Talk. When the race has begun, voice priority must be given to the race officers. Racers may briefly respond to the race officers, but should otherwise remain polite and respectful among the combined official and racer voice channel.
Should racers want their own team voice channel, we recommend layering in an additional VoIP application such as your mobile phone, Discord alt accounts, Guilded, TeamSpeak or Mumble to be running at the same time with separate bindings.
Unlimited use ANZIA Racing Discord invite link:
Applies to Persistent Universe racing only. Racers must set their regeneration point to Orison Hospital.
Applies to Persistent Universe racing only. You must call your own hangar every time you want to pit. You may wish to have a key bound for ATC to make it easier to call a hangar.
The following flag callouts are utilized by the race director and officials:
Applies to Persistent Universe racing only. The race will begin by using a formation lap to give racers a flying start. Racers will be delivered to the start line by a leading safety ship piloted by a race officer. When racers are in their designated grid position and race officials are ready to start, the safety ship will begin a partial lap and guide all racers at a fixed speed of 150m/s to the start line.
Racers will be 2 ships flying in vertical formation above and below the safety ship. The distance you must maintain from the ship in front of you is 500 meters minimum.
The safety ship will break off just before the start line and the race director will ask all ships to maintain course on the track. When the race director says "Green Flag", your speed can be unrestricted and the race begins.
Racers must make every reasonable effort to act safely on the track at all times, cause no intentional collisions and may not leave the track without a justifiable reason. Smaller ships must allow larger ships to maintain their racing line and may pass when it is safe to do so.
In the event of a major crash of the racers, the safety ship may be called out onto the track by the race director. The race director will call "Yellow Flag" which means all ships must reduce their speed to 150m/s and overtaking is prohibited due to danger on the track. All racers must fly in single file formation to maintain positions.
Everyone that isn't racing must stay clear of the path of the racers.
All participants are required to avoid causing incidents. Incidents will be observed and recorded by the race officers, see section Incidents for more details.
In the event of your character's death during the race, briefly voice your RSI Handle and the nature of the incident such as ".. Ship Destroyed", you may respawn and return to the track to rejoin the race.
You must retrieve a ship that is in the same racing class you were previously racing in and then inform the race director with a quick voice message of your RSI Handle and ".. is ready to re-join the race".
The objective is to get the most laps. The pilot that places the most laps determines your team's overall result on the podium.
The ship placed in first will be the one having covered the scheduled distance in the shortest time, or, where appropriate, passed the finish line in the lead at the end of the endurance race while on their white flag lap.
All classes will be classified taking into account the number of complete laps they have covered, and for those which have completed the same number of laps, the order in which they crossed the finish line.
Classifications will appear on the live standings after the race director has approved it, or they will be published at the end of the race.
Live classifications include: (DNS) Did Not Start, (DNF) Did Not Finish and (DSQ) Disqualified.
Arena Commander starting grids will be randomized. Persistent Universe starting grids have chances to improve your starting position through a qualifying opportunity.
A qualifying period will be held over all of February and up to one week before the qualifying livestream day. Placement on the championship grid will be determined by the combined fastest team member lap times of the qualifying period.
Multi-class races are grouped by the fastest classes in front and the slowest in the back.
Qualifying for the ProGP and OpenGP has the following requirements:
Incidents will be reviewed through the combined race official video footage, streamed footage and other material evidence and will be judged by the race director and race officers.
We encourage racers to record their own footage as it will be helpful in determining how desync and other issues affected the incident, but it's not mandatory.
In the event of any incident that prompts you to press criminal charges, do not press charges against anyone in the event.
Any of the penalties will be imposed on any racer who is judged to have broken the formation lap before the "Green Flag" signal from the race director is given.
The track limit is defined on the track map as the "white line". The track also includes the pit lane defined as the "red line". A racer is defined to have left the track limits if:
In the event of the above, the race director or an officer will issue a warning to the racer and direct the racer to rejoin the track limits. Continued violations may result in further penalties at the discretion of the race director and the officers. Details of penalties available to the race director to issue are noted in the penalties section.
Racers are expected to navigate the course described by the track map. Each mandatory checkpoint must be navigated through end to end.
Failure to do so can result in the following penalties being issued by the race directors and their officers:
Racers are expected to fly with care and consideration for other racers. All classes are expected to give enough room to other ships on the racing line.
Please avoid the following:
Penalties for such actions will be at the discretion of the race director and will depend on the severity of the incident in question. Details of penalties available to the race director to issue are noted in the penalties section.
During the race, an accident may result in your ship being destroyed. In such an event, you will be able to rejoin the race as long as you can reclaim/retrieve your ship or a backup. The ship you retrieve must be of the same racing class you were racing in previously.
When rejoining the race, go to the designated re-join officer for the session and await their instructions to enter the track to continue your race.
If you are unable to retrieve your ship and are unable to continue (or do not wish to continue) please inform the race director and you will be marked as (DNF) Did Not Finish. If the ship was destroyed as part of a ship collision incident, penalties will be given to the offending ship at the discretion of the race director and race officers.
Racers and officials are able to report race incidents to the race director which may have breached the rules of the event or created an incident. Reporting during the event should follow this format:
Incidents are assessed by the race director and officers. Incidents will be assessed during the race and an appropriate action will be taken (details noted in the penalties section). Incidents can also be reviewed after the event. If penalties are applied for these incidents, a time penalty will be imposed on the racer's final race time.
If it is determined by the officials that no incident occurred or if there is a lack of evidence regarding the incident, no action will be taken.
A log of reported incidents and the actions taken will be made available after the race.
Decisions made by the race director during the race are final and must be followed by the affected participants. If not followed, additional penalties including disqualification can be applied.
Incidents that are the result of servers (desync) are unfortunately not able to be easily addressed and will be seen as a racing incident.
The following penalties are available to the race director and officers. These penalties can be applied at their discretion.
A racer can be warned regarding their actions and reminded of the rules. If the racer receives multiple warnings, additional penalties can be applied. They are usually caused by small errors or unintentional breaches of the rules.
Issued when a racer has skipped a mandatory checkpoint such as a tunnel archway. If issued significantly after the mandatory checkpoint has been passed the racer will be asked to pass through the entire checkpoint twice (in a circle on the inside of the circuit). If unable to be completed before the end of the race an appropriate time penalty per class will be applied to the racer's finishing time.
The racer will be asked to to pass through the pit line and not make a pit stop. If unable to be completed before the end of the race an appropriate time penalty per class will be applied to the racer's finishing time.
The racer will be directed to hold position above the spaceport pits and will only be allowed to continue the race on the direction of the race director or a race officer. Time for this penalty will be determined by the nature of the incident and at the discretion of the officials.
Only used as a last resort. If a racer has shown a complete disregard for the rules they will be issued with a disqualification (DSQ).
In the event of a replication layer server transfer failure (30000 Error or "30K") during the race, the race director will call "Red Flag" and the race will be restarted from scratch based on available race data. Race restarts due to 30Ks are limited to 3. If the race 30Ks for a third time, the current race will be rescheduled for another time.
A CRUX Star is a unique award at ANZIA Racing, they represent the four brightest stars in the southern cross star constellation in the southern hemisphere of Earth. Only one team and consistent players in that team are awarded a CRUX Star every year. They are awarded to the fastest team and best combat pilots or drivers after they have placed the highest in all relevant competitions and designated classes that year. The requirements to earn a CRUX Star award follow.
The race official team will be made of the following composition:
In addition to this, a couple VoIP only race official helpers will assist with individual technical issues, lengthy guidance and moderation of the main event channels.
A minimum of two race officials must video record the event to help track racer positions.
The Spaceport Pit Observer will be there to observe racers and assist the race director with hangar related reporting and incidents.
All race officials are required to stream or video record their assigned checkpoints and point of views.
Cheating in the game, crashing this event or griefing in the armistice zone of a lawful city under development in the Star Citizen Alpha is not permitted, and not welcomed in this non-combat racing event. You will be reported by all the race participants and officials with multiple perspectives of your actions to Cloud Imperium Games.
Players who organically discover the event in the server will be warned about the event space in global chat and FoIP calls by event staff before any further action is taken by ANZIA Racing.
For clearly defined key points on this, please refer to the official Cloud Imperium Games Rules of Conduct.
Rules of Conduct Terms of Service Reporting Player Misconduct